The Centre for Emerging Researchers (CER) is a dynamic hub dedicated to nurturing, connecting, and cultivating a network of emerging researchers and analysts across the African continent and the diaspora.
Our focus is on developing alternative and responsible methodologies for the generation, application, and advancement of Research and Development (R&D) solutions to the Continent’s current and future challenges. The aim is to reduce uncertainty and improve the quality of decision-making.
We draw from our growing network of emerging researchers and analysts to offer reliable, evidence-based and data-driven research and analysis that informs scholarship, policy choices, feasibility and implementation models, and the monitoring & evaluation of existing initiatives.
Central to the CER’s work is a clarion call for Africa to grow its own timber of researchers, innovators, and writers who will contest knowledge production and dissemination in a manner that guarantees a healthy existential continuum the continent and her people.
We continue to seek partnerships that invest in our capability to forecast change in time to do something about it, by providing foresight and insights (Research and Policy Advisory Services) about impending change, which may be positive (i.e. representing socio-economic opportunities) or negative (i.e. representing socio-economic threats).
To be of value to the public good, our work prioritises Team accuracy; relevance; predictive capacity and timeliness.
Over 300 Emerging Affiliated Researchers and Professionals
5 Private and Public Sector Partners (Local, Provincial and National Government)
Presence in 70% of South Africa’s Universities
Meet the team of talented researchersthat drive the success the of CER_.